Kamis, 10 Maret 2011

Militari Power Produce Big Weapons For War


Made Indonesia Navy Warship KRI Banjarmasin-592

Warships of the Republic of Indonesia (KRI Banjarmasin 592)was created to meet the shortage of warships that are required by the Indonesian Navy. This warship was created so that Indonesia can be more advanced and independent in fulfilling its military equipment. One to be able to make your own from the embargo that America ever done by the Indonesian National Army

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The earliest origins of the S-300P series lie in the mid 1960s, when the Soviet Voyska PVO and Ministry of Military Production initiated its development. The aim was to produce an area defence SAM system capable of replacing the largely ineffective S-75/SA-2 Guideline and S-200/SA-5 Gammon systems, neither of which performed well against low flying Wild Weasels, low RCS targets or US support jamming aircraft.

The original intent was to design a common SAM system for the Voyska-PVO (Air Defence Forces), Voenno-Morskiy Flot (Navy) and the PVO-SV (Air Defence Corps of the Red Army), but divergent service needs across these three users soon saw commonality drop well below 50%. Ultimately the V-PVO’s S-300P series and PVO-SV’s S-300V series diverged so completely to become largely unique systems.

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The XK2 Black Panther Main Battle Tank will remain in production through 2010. The evolution from the K1 to the K1A1 saw the evolution of tank design and building skills in Korea, this was a true indigenous tank. Equally important was the development of Korean capabilities at the systems and sub-systems level. This further enhanced the local technology base and provided the basis for future growth.

One of the key programmes that demonstrates the sophistication of the Korean defence industry is the Altay tank programme for the Turkish Land Forces Command (TLFC). Rotem in Korea had developed the XK-2 Black Panther tank for the ROK Army (see below) and the technologies developed for this programme provided the ability for the Korean company to become the key technology partner for the Turkish tank programme in competition against proposals from many of the traditional tank building countries.

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India Defense Security Agni Balisstice System Missile and ICBM

Agni-I is a single stage, solid fuel, road and rail mobile, medium-range ballistic missiles (MRBM) using solid propulsion upper stage, derived from Prithvi, essentially to prove the re-entry structure, control and guidance. The strap-down inertial navigation system adopts explicit guidance—attempted for the first time globally. Using carbon composite structure for protecting payload during its re-entry phase, the first flight was conducted in May 1989, thus establishing the re-entry technology and precise guidance to reach the specific targets. This shorter ranger missile is specially designed to strike targets in Pakistan.

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China Miliatry Power In Asia The Dong Feng 21 Anti Ship Ballistic Missile

There is little doubt that a variant of the Dong Feng 21 (DF-21) missile is the candidate for the ASBM. Moreover, much of the work to adapt the DF-21 for such a mission appears to have been developed in the late 1990s, such as an ablative shield against aerodynamic heating during reentry, vibration resistance, and optimization of the payload. There is also discussion of adding a third stage to the missile, not only to increase its range but to provide extra maneuverability in midcourse fl ight (discussed below). The third stage appears to be in development, although several documents suggest that the missile

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India And Russia Joint Made Close to Pact on SU-T50 PAK-FA Fighter

This was the Sukhoi T-50, the first technology demonstrator of what India terms the Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA). Senior defense ministry sources tell Business Standard that after five years of haggling over the FGFA's form, capabilities and work-share a detailed contract on joint development is just around the corner.

Contract, which Bangalore-based Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) will sign with Russia's United Aircraft Corporation (UAC), will commit to building 250 fighter (50 single-seat and 200 twin-seat) for the IAF and an equal number for Russia:
– Option for further orders will be kept open; HAL and UAC will be equal partners in a joint venture company

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Best Information Dogs Health, Breeds, Breeders, Care, and Maintenance


Brussels Griffon The Disease Diagnosable and Health Breeders

There is a “newly” diagnosable hereditary problem in the Brussels Griffon breed that maybe of growing concern and should merit monitoring by breeders of Brussels Griffons. Though symptoms may be easily unnoticeable in some dogs other dogs are quite affected and vary in the way the “outward” symptoms show. The disease is Syringomyelia (SM). Syringomyelia is a condition whereby fluid filled cavities develop within the spinal cord. Some refer to SM as “neck scratcher’s disease” because scratching in the air near the neck is a common symptom. In fact, this symptom is the most common “tell-tail” and seen when in a new environment. For example, neck scratching tendencies may become more pronounced at a dog show or when a dog is in a stressful situation.

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Beagle Best Winner Show and Contest

Miniature breeds of beagle type dogs were known from the times of Edward II and Henry VII, who both had packs of Glove Beagles, so named since they were small enough to fit on a glove, and Queen Elizabeth I kept a breed known as a Pocket Beagle, which stood 8 to 9 inches (20 to 23 cm) at the shoulder. Small enough to fit in a "pocket" or saddlebag, they rode along on the hunt. The larger hounds would run the prey to ground, then the hunters would release the small dogs to continue the chase through underbrush. Elizabeth I referred to the dogs as her singing beagles and often entertained guests at her royal table by letting her Pocket Beagles cavort amid their plates and cups. 19th-century sources refer to these breeds interchangeably......

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Boston Terrier Best Intelligence Graceful and Marcking Color

The general appearance of the Boston Terrier should be that of a lively, highly intelligent, smooth-coated, short-headed, compactly built, shorttailed, well-balanced dog of medium station, of brindle colour and evenly marked with white. The head should indicate a high degree of intelligence and should be in proportion to the size of the dog. The body rather short and well knit, the limbs strong and neatly turned; tail short; and no feature be so prominent that the dog appears badly proportioned. The dog should convey an impression of determination, strength and activity, with a style of a high order; carriage easy and graceful.

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Chinese Shar-Pei The Unique Bulldog From China

Chinese Shar-Pei is to become familiar with what is uniquely normal for this breed. From that point, one can learn to recognize the disorders that may afflict them. Chinese Shar-Pei suffer some unusual and perplexing problems, many of which have not yet been described in the veterinary literature. It is not the purpose of this guide to make you a veterinarian, but to help you understand some of the unique disease problems of the Chinese Shar-Pei. To that end we have not included dosages of medication, specific discussions of techniques or references to the veterinary literature. We hope you find this guide useful.

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The Long Ears and Dwarf Basset Hound Care Maintenance and Breeders

The basset is definitely a “people dog” and is happiest in a home where someone is around during the day. If left alone for long periods of time, a basset will become bored and can get into trouble. With proper care and attention, a basset hound will become a mild-mannered and gentle member of any family. The breed gets along well with children, as long as they are taught the proper way to interact and play with a dog.

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This Article from http://planetanimalzone.blogspot.com

Cats Best Informations Breeds, Breeders, helath, Care and Maintenance Your Pets Cat


CORNISH REX The Unique muscled Cat On Breeders Care Maintanance

Cornish Rex Variants which have within the preceding five generations only Cornish Rex, Cornish Rex Variants, Abyssinian, Asian Shorthair, British Shorthair, Burmese, Ocicat, Oriental Shorthair, Russian Blue, Siamese or Tonkinese shall be registered on the Reference Register with a Cornish Rex Variant breed number. In addition, American Shorthair and European Shorthair are permitted in the pedigrees of imported cats.

Cornish Rex and Cornish Rex variants which have within the preceding five generations any non-approved breeds, including non-pedigree cats, shall be registered on the Reference Register as normal or rex coated of Cornish type.

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Devon Rex Cats Various Diseases and How to Treatment

Devon Rex cats. Physical examination revealed erythematous, occasionally crusted papules, with a bilaterally symmetrical linear distribution on the latero-ventral trunk in two cases and a diffuse distribution on the ventral thorax in the other three cats. One cat also had a greasy seborrhoea on the head and dorsum.

Pruritus and pigmented macules were present only in cats affected by secondary bacterial infection. Histological examination of papules in all cats and of the lesional skin of the cat affected by greasy seborrhoea revealed the presence of a perivascular to diffuse mastocytic and eosinophilic infiltrate in the dermis. The mean numbers of nondegranulated and degranulated mast cells per mm2 were 303.2 and 451.6, respectively. The condition waxed and waned in all cats,......

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Donskoy Cat Highly Class Intelligent And History Russian Breeds

The Donskoy is a very intriguing, elegant, unique, inquisitive, soft-hearted and social cat. They are very active, extremely friendly, highly intelligent very loving and amiable. The Donskoy is very good-natured, gentle, easy to groom and handle. Their coats are warm and soft to the touch making then wonderful to hold and cuddle. They have a well balanced personality, show a lively interest in their surroundings, and enjoy making up & playing games. Donskoy are extremely affectionate with a frisky nature and an irrepressible curiosity. They are very social and are under the impression that anyone entering the home is there to see them

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California Spangled Cat Tips Breed History and Care

California Spangled History
Upon his return from Tanzania, Paul Casey, a Hollywood scriptwriter, was inspired to create a small "house-leopard", a cat that resembled the wild, spotted African Cats, similar to leopards in appearance, but gentle . . . as a lamb. In order to reach this goal, a long breeding and selection program started in the 1970s, crossing several breeds, including: Siamese, British Shorthairs, American Shorthairs, Manx, Abyssinians, and a line of Egyptian and Asian street cats. It took eleven generations before type was fixed. The breed was formally introduced in 1986. The California Spangled is so named because it was born....

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Australian Mist The Hunter Cats

The Australian Mist is a well-balanced, gently contoured cat of moderate foreign type, with no tendency to extremes in any characteristic. Both males and females have an open, generous expression. The males may be slightly larger than the females with facial characteristics and musculature more developed. Muscle development, coat and eye colour achieve adult expression by two years of age....

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Egyptian Mau Cat Best Tips Breed Pattern and Color Genetics

The Egyptian Mau is the only spotted domestic cat that developed naturally, without deliberate hybridization between domestic breeds or domestic and wild feline species. Maus evolved from small African wild cats thousands of years ago as cats and humans became increasingly interdependent and cats played an integral, necessary part in the Nile agricultural ecosystem. The hallmark of the Egyptian Mau, retained from its ancient wild ancestry, is the dramatic, eye-catching spotted tabby pattern.

It is generally accepted that the spotted pattern occurs because of the presence of a dominant pattern modifier gene......

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Article from http://animaldiscovery-chanel.blogspot.com


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