Kamis, 10 Maret 2011

Best Information Dogs Health, Breeds, Breeders, Care, and Maintenance

Brussels Griffon The Disease Diagnosable and Health Breeders

There is a “newly” diagnosable hereditary problem in the Brussels Griffon breed that maybe of growing concern and should merit monitoring by breeders of Brussels Griffons. Though symptoms may be easily unnoticeable in some dogs other dogs are quite affected and vary in the way the “outward” symptoms show. The disease is Syringomyelia (SM). Syringomyelia is a condition whereby fluid filled cavities develop within the spinal cord. Some refer to SM as “neck scratcher’s disease” because scratching in the air near the neck is a common symptom. In fact, this symptom is the most common “tell-tail” and seen when in a new environment. For example, neck scratching tendencies may become more pronounced at a dog show or when a dog is in a stressful situation.

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Beagle Best Winner Show and Contest

Miniature breeds of beagle type dogs were known from the times of Edward II and Henry VII, who both had packs of Glove Beagles, so named since they were small enough to fit on a glove, and Queen Elizabeth I kept a breed known as a Pocket Beagle, which stood 8 to 9 inches (20 to 23 cm) at the shoulder. Small enough to fit in a "pocket" or saddlebag, they rode along on the hunt. The larger hounds would run the prey to ground, then the hunters would release the small dogs to continue the chase through underbrush. Elizabeth I referred to the dogs as her singing beagles and often entertained guests at her royal table by letting her Pocket Beagles cavort amid their plates and cups. 19th-century sources refer to these breeds interchangeably......

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Boston Terrier Best Intelligence Graceful and Marcking Color

The general appearance of the Boston Terrier should be that of a lively, highly intelligent, smooth-coated, short-headed, compactly built, shorttailed, well-balanced dog of medium station, of brindle colour and evenly marked with white. The head should indicate a high degree of intelligence and should be in proportion to the size of the dog. The body rather short and well knit, the limbs strong and neatly turned; tail short; and no feature be so prominent that the dog appears badly proportioned. The dog should convey an impression of determination, strength and activity, with a style of a high order; carriage easy and graceful.

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Chinese Shar-Pei The Unique Bulldog From China

Chinese Shar-Pei is to become familiar with what is uniquely normal for this breed. From that point, one can learn to recognize the disorders that may afflict them. Chinese Shar-Pei suffer some unusual and perplexing problems, many of which have not yet been described in the veterinary literature. It is not the purpose of this guide to make you a veterinarian, but to help you understand some of the unique disease problems of the Chinese Shar-Pei. To that end we have not included dosages of medication, specific discussions of techniques or references to the veterinary literature. We hope you find this guide useful.

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The Long Ears and Dwarf Basset Hound Care Maintenance and Breeders

The basset is definitely a “people dog” and is happiest in a home where someone is around during the day. If left alone for long periods of time, a basset will become bored and can get into trouble. With proper care and attention, a basset hound will become a mild-mannered and gentle member of any family. The breed gets along well with children, as long as they are taught the proper way to interact and play with a dog.

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This Article from http://planetanimalzone.blogspot.com

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